For me driving in Cancun is easy and safe. It is so much fun to rent a car, is the best way to get to know the city and experience the area, it gives you the freedom to go anywhere, at any time.
So, is driving safe in Cancun Mexico? Honestly, driving in Cancun is very safe and easy. Of course for a tourist driving in Spanish speaking country can be overwhelming, but it`s really not difficult in the city or outside, the roads are in excellent conditions, easy to read signs, arrows pointing the way. Try, because you get the most out of the culture when driving. You’ll have no problems driving in this lovely country.

Driving at Night in Cancun
Driving at night in Cancun could be challenging. The streets are in excellent conditions, well-marked, street signs and lighted streets. If you are driving outside of Cancun, to another town and taking a toll-free road can be challenging lighting on many highways is non-existent, wild animals might wander on the road, and difficult to watch for potholes and debris. So make sure, your lights works and again, take it easy or stick to daylight driving.
Topes (speed bumps) Another thing to keep an eye out for is TOPES. These are speed bumps, they pop up randomly, You don’t want to hit these at full speed. There is not a regulation of how high or low a tope should be.
Tourist hitting a tope is very common, causing damage to the tire, the rin and even will rip your suspension system. So, give a job to your co-pilot or everyone in your car to watch for the topes at the entrances of the towns or when leaving the city, if you don`t want to hit a tope and fly on the air and land with a jolt.
Military or Police Check Points
Once you get out of the airport, you come upon police checkpoints if you are driving south of Cancun. There is another checkpoint leaving Playa del Carmen, and the last is before getting to Tulum town. If it´is a Militar Check Point, usually they will not stop, but if they do, the soldier may ask you where you’re going and where you’re coming from. When you hit a checkpoint just roll down your windows including the back window as well, so they can see into your backseat.
Toll Roads: Taking the Libre or the quota. What is this? When driving, you will find the choice of taking the
The free road is the slower route because they go through towns and a lot of speed bumps, more traffic, and lights. The advantage of taking the free road is that you get to know little towns, colorful, local restaurants, small shops and a lot of dogs crossing the street. Cuota is the best roads, better maintained, scenic but boring. Do not drive in them if you are tired. However sometimes depending on the town or the place that you are going to, you can mix start with the Cuota and finish with the Libre. By the way, the most expensive toll road is ($250 pesos) one way. Toll roads are available on long trips like the way to Chichen Itza, or Merida.

Driving Tips:
- Take It easy
- Don`t give a reason to the police to pull you over
- Do not bribe the cops
- Pretend that you do not have cash if they ask for money
- If you broke the rules, then ask for the ticket don`t pay them directly
- Make sure to identify the officer
- Do not keep up with traffic when you are in Cancun at the hotel zone or at the entry of the city, since the vast majority are speeding. “Here’s where most people fail”
- Check always your mirrors and blind spot before moving into any lane.
What To Do If You Get Pull Over by Police in Cancun
The officer will approach your car, If you are aware that you broke the law, then don`t argue with the police. They will ask for your driver license, When you hand it to him, he will say that he is going to give you a ticket for speeding or whatever rule you broke and that he will be keeping your license until you pay it at the police station. So, If your violation is not severe, then the officer will do the standard procedure. He will give you a warning which is a regulation for the State of Quintana Roo that mandates that tourists be given warnings the first two times they’re stopped. It`s called The Courtesy Traffic Ticket
Article 241: Traffic Regulations
ARTICLE 241: TRAFFIC REGULATIONS OF THE STATE OF QUINTANA ROO, It is established in the state; the Courtesy Traffic Ticket that the Dirección de Tránsito, in its respective jurisdiction will apply exclusively to tourists that violate the Traffic Regulations. The courtesy traffic ticket will not cost the person anything because the objective is to point out the violation committed and encourage the person to obey the traffic rules. This courtesy will be applied on two occasions to the same vehicle and/or driver and will not be appropriate for cases involving severe acts or omissions contrary to that which is stipulated in the current regulations. Download PDF in Spanish and printed out and carry it with you in the car so you can show it to the officer if needed.
If things get difficult to make sure to write down his name and badge number, you can communicate these points easily even if you don’t speak Spanish; usually, they do speak English enough to deliver. Do not pay an extortion fee to a police officer. Please don`t support corruption.
Important: Municipal Police are not authorized to stop you on the high way. Only the Federal Police You’ll be able to identify them out because their vehicles and uniforms say Policía Federal.
Reasons to Be Pull Over in Cancun By Police:
- Exceeding the speed limit
- Using your cell phone while driving
- No using your seat belt
- Run the red light
- Parking in the prohibited zone
- Driving in the opposite direction
- Drinking and driving
Driver License: Most countries will recognize the license of visitors from foreign countries; A basic US drivers license is really all you need to rent a car in Cancun Mexico, does not have to be International driving licence and the car rental company does not ask for it neither, however you will need International Driver’s Permit if you come from a country which does not use an English alphabet and you rent a car abroad.
Speed Limit in Cancun:
- Urban 30 – 70 KPH (Kilometer per hour)
- Rural 80 KPH
- High Way 90 – 110 KPH
- Drive on the right side
- If you are driving below the speed limit drive on the right side all the time.
- Did I mention to drive on the right side already?
- Pass the cars through the left, even if you see others doing it differently.
- Have your co-pilot to spot the ever-changing speed limit signs.
Documents that you should Carry with you in the Rental Car
- Driving license
- Passport
- Car Insurance
- Car Registration
- Car rental agreement
- Emergency Number 911
What you Should Know About Gas Stations
Gas Stations: Pemex is the main gas station in Mexico, and you can find many on the high way and throughout the city of Cancun. Find out with the rental company what kind of gasoline your car needs, (Magna or Premium).
When refueling, get out of the vehicle, check to see the pump has been zeroed out, and then tell the attendant how much fuel you want.
Watch the pump for the correct amount.
Payment with a credit card; make sure you are with the attendant at the moment of the charge.
Payment with cash; If possible have the exact amount on hand in small bills the better. Do not turn your eyes away from the money that you are handling it to the attendant. Take into consideration that 20 pesos bills and 500 are very similar, it`s very confusing and the attendant will take advantage of this, so be aware. Ask for a receipt.
Some attendants pump the gas for you, and some will wash your windshield and if asked, will check your fluid levels and tires.
Is customary to give a small tip for the service $3 to 5 pesos if they provided an excellent service.
Parking in Cancun: There is plenty of free parking in Cancun hotel zone and is not an issue in downtown Cancun you won´t have trouble with on-street parking either. The malls and shopping centers have pay parking for 13 pesos an hour. Hotels parking are free of charge, and there is valet parking available, provide a tip for the service.
Road Signs in Cancun
- In Mexico, traffic travels on the right-hand side of the road
- Mileage in Mexico is marked in kilometers.
- Traffic signs are in Spanish, so before your trip, search on Google Mexican road signs to learn a bit about it.
The Most Important Mexican Traffic signs to know
- ALTO (stop)
- PARE (stop)
- TOPE (speed bumps)
- CURVA PELIGROSA (dangerous curve)
- NO ESTACIONAR (no parking)
In Case of Emergency
- If you have an accident or any other emergency just dial 911 from your cell phone.
- If you are on a toll road or a major highway contact the Green Angels, (Angeles Verdes) which is similar to AAA in the USA. They are a bilingual fleet of green trucks, Contact them at 078 or 088 from any phone.
- Do not move your car even if you are in the middle of the road unless you are causing danger to others.
- Take a photo of the scene if you are able.
- Call the car rental company.
Related Questions
Should I rent a car in Cancun? You should rent a car in Cancun to get to know the area, full of great experiences and if you are interested in the culture of another country during your vacation that will worth the effort to do it, you will go anywhere at your own pace.
What is driving minimum age to rent a car in Cancun? The minimum age to be able to rent a car in Cancun is 21 years old and have held your license for a minimum of two years, and the maximum age limit is 75 years.